Wednesday, July 13, 2022

My Gamble.


*Note: As previously mentioned, I'm going through an old journal and posting some entries here. This is one of them.

I am essentially alone, 5,000+ miles away from anyone I know. Today is the first day I've actually thought about what I've done. That I'm actually taking some kind of risk instead of just taking an opportunity. 

Part of the reason why I've day played for the last year and a half is because I enjoyed the freedom. I could say "no" if I didn't like any aspect of the job. I turned down at least three full time spots on jobs with people I actually like because I didn't want to be tied down. 

And now, here I am, 5,000+ miles and five months from anyone I know, and 5,000+ miles and five months away from another job, I've come 5,000+ miles to work for someone I barely knew a handful of years ago and haven't heard from since. If I'm miserable here, I'll be miserable for five months, including 85+ shooting days. And if I'm lost, I'll be lost until at least December. I'll be feeling adrift for that long and I hate feeling adrift at all. 

If this doesn't work out, I'm trapped.

But I suppose this is what they mean when they say the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. I just hope I made the right choice...


JD said...

Are you working in the far East?

I totally bailed and thankfully before all the crap that accompanied COVID started.
As far as can tell entertainment industry jobs haven't really gotten better. I collect a bi-weekly check and don't worry how I'll pay my next bill.

A.J. said...

Hey JD-
No, this wasn't in the Far East. Where I went, the COVID situation was a helluva lot better than the situation in the States.... for a while anyway.

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